EMIR Trade Repository - who are we? - KDPW

EMIR Trade Repository - who are we?

KDPW (The Central Securities Depository of Poland) is one of the key infrastructure institutions of the Polish financial market. KDPW has almost 30 years of experience on the Polish capital market and offers a broad range of financial services to Polish and international clients.

KDPW EMIR Trade Repository offers the reporting of derivative trades via a user-friendly secure website interface or over automatic direct connections. Derivatives trades are reported in messages developed in line with the scope of information required under the EMIR Technical Standards. They include all data necessary for the Trade Repository to identify trades and process reports as required by ESMA.

Our online application supports the following functionalities:
  • reporting and modification of trades;
  • viewing and browsing reported data;
  • filtering and downloading reported data (export in *.xml, *.xlsx, *.csv format);
  • tracking the reporting process.

Contract types:

KDPW EMIR Trade Repository is authorised to accept reports for all classes of derivatives on all markets:
  • commodity derivatives (CO);
  • credit derivatives (CR);
  • currency derivatives (CU);
  • equity derivatives (EQ);
  • interest rate derivatives (IR);
  • other derivatives (OT).
KDPW EMIR Trade Repository is authorized and regulated by ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority).

More information
about the service
