FIZ participant identification - KDPW

FIZ participant identification

With a view to enabling the identification of members of closed-ended investment funds (FIZ) under the requirements of Article 123a of the Act of 27 May 2004 on Investment Funds and Management of Alternative Investment Funds (as amended by the Act of 16 August 2023 amending certain acts in connection with ensuring the development of the financial market and the protection of investors in that market), KDPW is planning to roll out a new service supporting such identification.

A new web-based application will be developed to support disclosure requests and the exchange of information on the identification of holders of investment certificates issued by FIZ. Participants involved in the handling of FIZ investment certificates will be provided with the functionality of ISO 20022 electronic message exchange.


The ISO20022 message schemas for the FIZ member identification disclosure process are available on the MyStandards website at:!usage_guidelines 

Tests: The opening of the test environment and the start of testing are scheduled for early April 2024.

The service will be rolled out on 30 May 2024.