07 November 2023

KDPW: Supporting the Safety and Stability of the Financial Market for 29 Years

KDPW: Supporting the Safety and Stability of the Financial Market for 29 Years - KDPW
7 November 2023 marks the 29th anniversary of the establishment of Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych (Central Securities Depository of Poland, KDPW) as a stand-alone company with the mission of ensuring safety in capital market trading.

However, KDPW has been providing securities registration and transaction clearing and settlement services for much longer, since the very beginning of the capital market in Poland in 1991. In the early years, it operated as an integral part of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW). Since the very first trading session, it has been essential to ensure efficient, safe and timely clearing of transactions and the operation of a securities register. These core functions are still performed by KDPW today.

When KDPW started to operate as a stand-alone institution, the Polish market was one of the first in the world to introduce extensive dematerialisation of securities. From the very beginning, KDPW relied on state-of-the-art technological solutions. This is also the motto it follows today. The company has its proprietary system for the registration of securities and keeping their records, and for clearing and settlement, which allows it to respond flexibly to the needs of the local market and new regulatory challenges.

Over the years, KDPW has evolved from a depository and settlement institution to a group of companies offering a comprehensive package of services including settlement, clearing, securities registration and processing, data collection, and a numbering agency. The KDPW Group is the largest and most advanced post-trading services institution in this region of Europe. Its mission is to provide a complete and attractive service to Polish investment firms and foreign entities operating on the Polish financial market.

The key services offered by the KDPW Group include:
  • Registration of securities
  • Settlement of transactions
  • Clearing of transactions
  • Operation of a transaction clearing guarantee system
  • Securities operations
  • Processing corporate events (including AGMs with eVoting service)
  • Supporting remote voting of corporate bodies (eVoting-board service)
  • Shareholder identification
  • Operation of the Compensation Scheme
  • EMIR trade repository
  • SFTR trade repository
  • ARM service
  • Numbering agency (ISIN, FISN, CFI codes)
  • Issuance of LEIs
  • Maintenance of the Data Portal